Ambulancezorg Nederland Association
Ambulancezorg Nederland (AZN) is a modern sector association which supports its members in various areas related to policy and other matters. AZN represents the ambulance sector in social interactions and protects the sector’s image. AZN represents the interests of the ambulance sector and provides the RAVs with various services and forms of support, such as meeting, organising and negotiating.
AZN’s focus in performing its duties is on further developing ambulance care into safe and excellent mobile (acute) care for the patient.
Employer’s function
Since 1 January 2011, Ambulancezorg Nederland has fulfilled the function of employer for the ambulance sector. From that time on, the sector collective labour agreement (cao) has also been in force. This sector cao replaced the four previous agreements. Part of AZN’s function as employer is an employers’ help desk for cao affairs that is only accessible for P&O officers.
AZN provides the employers’ delegation for negotiations and together with the employees’ associations, the delegates prepare and conclude the cao. The agreements made are then put into effect. AZN is committed to achieving a modern and flexible cao. Good industrial relations and a pleasant and healthy work climate are essential for making work in the ambulance sector attractive and keeping it that way.
The members
All 25 Regional Ambulance Services (RAVs) are members of the sector association Ambulancezorg Nederland. Since 1 January 2013, these RAVs have been instructed by the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) to provide ambulance care in the designated region.
The Board
The AZN general meeting (the Board) is made up of representatives of the RAVs that are members of the AZN. At this meeting, the members decide on strategy and policy in ambulance care. The general meeting takes place six times a year and is prepared by the agenda committee. The general meeting is supported by board committees.