At the beginning of 2011, Minister Edith Schippers of Health, Welfare and Sport announced her intention not to allow the Ambulance Care Act to enter into force. The fact that under the Ambulance Care Act, providers of ambulance care would be granted a licence for an indefinite period was undesirable. In addition, the licensing procedure was considered not to be ‘EU-proof’, which would lead to unwanted financial risks.
On 8 August 2011, the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport submitted a new legislative proposal, for the Interim Ambulance Care Act, to the House of Representatives. This was an act with a term of five years and the most important change in relation to the Ambulance Care Act was that ambulance care providers would not receive a licence, but would be appointed by the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport for a period of five years. These five years would be dedicated to preparing a structural solution which would do justice to the principles discussed with Parliament and would also comply with European legislation.